Hi, Catarina Teles! The babywearing consultant is from Portugal, her son is almost 2 years old and she lives in Vienna. She shares her experiences with both countries today.
Nestwärme: How popular is babywearing in your country? Catarina Teles: In Austria it is quite popular. You simply don’t see moms without a carrier. In Portugal (where I come from) it’s a growing activity.
Why did you want to become a babywearing consultant and which school did you visit? I’ve been so in love with all the benefits of babywearing and I always knew that I wanted to carry my son (since he is a rainbow baby – baby after miscarriage) to be able to smell him and answer to all his needs knowing that close to mom is the safe space for them. My love just grew for it and I wanted to share with all new moms. I truly believe it’s one of those things that is necessary for all new parents. I am a certified ClauWi and am now taking my second degree with Bebe No Pano (a brazilian school).
How important is it for you and/or your clients to wear babys ergonomically? It’s extremely important since it’s also a question of letting the baby develop correctly (in terms of bones, posture).
How many parents are you „teaching“ per month?
About 5-6. I am teaching in Vienna, sometimes via Skype for portuguese parents. I am admin of the portuguese babywearing group on Facebook.
What’s the thing, most parents ask or have trouble with concerning babywearing?
If they will hurt the baby.
How big is your « consultancy stash »?
I would say I have around 30 carriers
What’s your favourite wrap and/or carrier and what’s the favourite product chosen by your clients?
I love Little Frog wraps but I have to say my favourite is a Yaro woven wrap with silk. My clients normally go for a Mei Tai (which I also love).
Did you remark any differences between babywearing in Austria and Portugal?
I would say the type of carriers used. I believe in Austria people rather go for woven wraps and mei tais then in Portugal.
What’s the word for babywearing in your language?
There isn’t a word for it. We also say babywearing or a arte de carregar bebés.
Thank you for your insights, dear Catarina!
Find & follow her on Facebook: @C.TelesBabywearing