Winter Edition pregnancy/babywearing insert, Model “Mia”
About the Brand: Cocoome is the child of Julia Pötsch, a mother herself, who designed Cocoome. Prior to the release of the product she was searching for, there happened to be a lot of testing, trying and support from others until she finally had something in her hand that could be used by many, for a long time, multi-purposes and not too expensive. She says:
My vision of cocoome is to allow new parents mobile freedom and flexibility and to bring the benefits of babywearing thus closer. Happy parents and happy babies are my ultimate goal!
Fit & practicability: Crocodile clips help to attach the Cocoome easily to any kind of jacket, drawstrings on two positions help to adjust a perfect fit. The two-way-zipper makes it easy to open/close, especially for babywearing ’cause you can open it beneath babys head which is easier to do then on the bottom. The insert is really easy to handle, comfortable and fits very well.
Weather suitability: Combined with the ideal jacket for the babywearer and a head protection for the baby, this insert can be used during any cold and wet weather situations. Thanks to the width of the insert beyond the clips (fabric continues a bit under the jacket for a double layer), drafts are no problem.
Fits to every possible jacket!
Conclusion: Design and practicability as well as the quality of the insert are really great! It’s the first model I’ve tried that’s totally independent from your kind of jacket. No need to check if the zipper will fit, no need to buy an adapter. It also works great with a trench or dufflecoat. Just whatever jacket you want to use.
Another clue is that you can buy the 3-in1 set with an additional module to convert into a sleeping bag for each common stroller or buggy. There’s one thing that could be an improvement for the use during very cold and snowy or rainy seasons: a (detachable) hood for the baby!
Another topic, which is common to all kind of inserts: they cannot be used on the back. But if you really want this, there’s always the possibility to cut an old jacket.
Cocoome is available in different, lovely styles (also for men ;).
Update 2018
The Cocoome insert is newly available as all-weather combination!
Tested in september 2017 with my 8 months old baby – thanks to the sponsor for the opportunity!
P.S. Don’t blame my hubby for not seeing there was one loose clip 😀