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Want to get in touch with Nestwärme?
E-Mail: nestwaerme(at)
Phone: +41 79 945 24 13 (Switzerland, WhatsApp & SMS only! No calls)
Looking for cooperations? Have a tester to be reviewed? Want to do a Giveaway with us?
Just write an email or contact me via Facebook to talk about the possibilities and conditions! 🙂 Our facebook and website reach a lot of people and we’re also active on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter! Ask about our media-kit if you’re interested.
Use of pictures by Nestwärme
The use of our pictures needs permission. Commercial use needs licence. Please ask for conditions. Use without permission will be followed by an invoice, adding an additional 100% fee of the price for the unallowed use. Social Shares not included, we always appreciate them.
(Digital) Content Creation
Looking for exclusive content for your brand? Feel free to ask for conditions.