Tested system: Cover with flaps and snaps by Finiwini, sized for 5-16kg; can be used as SIO with matching inserts (can be bought separately). Finiwinis are designed and handmade in Austria by Melanie Pölz.
Look: I love the “cosmos” design. Who wouldn’t? 😉 There are always several limited designs available but you can also get a customized one by sending in your own fabric.
Fit: One of the widest covers I’ve seen so far. With the snaps it’s possible to adjust the diaper to tinier babies but in my opinion, it’s too big for newborns – not only due to the width but also because you can’t “snap over”. However the fit was nice with my daughter. Have a look at the picture following below for a comparison with the woolies from Windelinge (left) and Allerlei Windeln… (right).
Finiwini diapers – with or without flaps
This way, it’s possible to use it during the day or night, just for any purpose. Be sure to adjust the diaper correctly to prevent leaking. You might have to try several adjustments.
Stay Dry: If you have lanolized correctly, it stays dry very well and long, depending which fitted diaper or inserts you are using. There are inserts available directly from Finiwini but of course you can always use your own. An additional layer of fabric in the main “getting wet” area makes it extra leak proof.
Wash & Dry: I’d recommend to use per hand at 30 degrees and dry flat. Don’t forget to lanolize whenever necessary!
Tested with my 12 months old daughter, wearing sz 74 and weighing 9kg approx. Many thanks to the sponsor.