Internaht Overall – handmade beauty

Overall / Wollwalk-Anzug

Intro: For babywearing on colder days, I’ve been searching for the perfect overall. I considered fleece but wasn’t happy with that ’cause it’s not warm enough if you ask me… so, I wanted to look out for something wooly, easy to (un)dress, big enough, maybe growing with my child… and found it at Internaht.

About the brand
: Internaht is a brand from Dresden/Germany. They produce organic, sustainable and fair kids fashion – all handmade. Lovely shirts, cozy hoodies, dresses, pyjamas, pants and more. If you are in Dresden or nearby, you’re always invited to visit the shop & atelier.

Tested product: Overall, made of boiled wool (hope that’s correct)

Most beautiful overall ever seen

How is it: I got the most lovely Overall, I’ve ever seen! Not only the colour (a deep purple), the design (lovely jersey liner, visible in the hood and at the sleeves, a beautiful embroidery) and the practicability (easy snap fasteners, hoodie, sleeves to turn up and extra material to cover the feet and protect them from cold) convinced me, but also the fit, the material and that you just see it’s made with love. I’ve got a crush on this, it’s sooo beautiful!  And of course, last but not least, it’s perfect for babywearing. I used it under a wrap and it was no problem to tighten the wrap. Plus, it really protects the baby from chilly winds without leaving it sweaty when the sun gave a lot of warmth on the same walk outside.

Weather-suitability: I didn’t try it with rain but apart from that, I think you can use it during all (colder/windy) days and regulate with the clothes underneath.

Fit: Great fit ’cause the overall is cut widely which leaves spare room if you decide to dress your baby with a thicker shirt and pants.

Conclusion: I can really, really recommend this overall, not only because you’ll support sustainability, local handcraft and people who love what they do, but also because it’s an awesome mix of quality and beautiful design. This overall is for sure great for babywearing but even better if you’re child already walks, because you can switch between wearing and letting walk without changing clothes and it’s perfectly protected against cold and winds…

Many thanks to Internaht for the lovely overall!
There’s a shop on Etsy, too.

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