“Palmae Antigua“ (Tester)
Firma: Nona Woven Wraps (NL)
Material: 100% cotton
Flächengewicht: ca. 280 g/m2
About the company: Nona Woven Wraps is founded in 2015 by the two Dutch mothers Musetta Blaauw and Jessica Hummel. Their aim was to provide a stylish and dependable wrap for every budget. See and read more on their website!
My first impression: Not soft out of the box but feeling solid and a wonderful colourway even for a pink-lover like me! I really love that kind of turquoise, shining bright like, yes, like I’d imagine the sea in Antigua to refer to the wraps name… not too heavy, nor too thick, just a little bit stretchy.
How does it wear: The wrap is said to be able to even carry a preschooler with comfort. Well, true! In the beginning you need to pull strongly to fix your carry but it’s worth it! The knot really stays in place, once tied. I won’t be able to carry this wrap long enough to tell if it’s getting softer but I’m sure it will! With the size 6 I had in my hand, I was able to finish a Ruck tied tibetan and a Double Hammock. What I love about solid wraps like this, is, that I can easily use a one-layer carry even for my big child 🙂
Conclusion: Nice wrap for toddlers! Great comfort with medium-weight. Rather a beast than a blanket, at least in the beginning. Wrapping needs a strong hand but all will stay in place neatly, once you’ve finished the carry. Really nice price – affordable for everyone!
Tested in january/february 2016 with 15 kg and 4 years old wrappee.
“Splash! Elsa & Lucas“ (Tester/Prototype)
Brand: Nona Woven Wraps (NL)
Material: 58% linen / 42% cotton
Density: ca. 281 g/m2
Released: may, 12 – 2016
My first impression: As I already tested Palmae Antigua before, I had a good comparison 🙂 Splash is thinner, a bit softer (but still needs some breaking in) and quite as grippy as Antigua has been. It’s not a certainty that linen is grippy, I had a full-linen wrap that was extremely slippery! This one’s not. Still, there’s quite a shine as you can see and I love the combination of blueish purple and light pink or whatever the (sun)light lets it appear. Light plays a nice game with those colours 😉 I also like the design, one of the most beautiful ones I’ve seen at Nona.
How does it wear: Tried it with my toddler girl of course, and was very content with the support of the wrap. It was easy to wrap with and stayed in place when tied. No need to pull and pull till it fits. And I only tied a Ruck tibetan because, being that pregnant, I wanted a fast up and belly-safe carry 🙂 Of course I also tested the wrap with my doll in some other variations. Just have a look at the pics below… 🙂 I have really only one issue with linen: you could iron it after every use, it always develops wrinkles after being worn. But that’s just a matter of optics I guess 😉 That’s the way linen works.
Conclusion: Suitable for beginners, easy to wrap and tighten. Mid-weight with max support, even for a preschooler. But can also be used with smaller babies. Nice grip for a linen wrap, slight shimmer and ideal also for warmer temperatures.
Tested in october/november 2016 with 18 kg and almost 5 years old wrappee and pregnancy bump (8th month 🙂