Firma: Pink Nova (NL) Material: bio cotton/sea island cotton Flächengewicht: —
About the company: Pink Nova was established in 2014 and soon found its fans for the lovely and quiet designs and rather pastel coloured wraps. They look sophisticated, classy but still fashionable. No wraps that screams “here I am” but wraps that underline the style of its wearer…
My first impression: What a nice wrap! After all the girly colours I’ve been wearing throughout the years, I really like the black-and-white wrap! It feels cushy, solid and mid-thick. I’m doing a quick up and it feels comfy and easy to wrap with. But we’ll do more testing later…
Pink Nova – The Black Kiss test & review
How does it wear: During a walk I decided to wrap a Double Hammock but unfortunately this size was too short and I had hubby to do a proper knot under the bum of my daughter. This wasn’t secure enough though, so I tied a Ruck when we had paused and went back. Way better! But I feel the weight of my daughter in a one-layered carry. Apart from that, The Black Kiss is a real allrounder and nicely fitting, no matter what carry you use…
Conclusion: An allrounder it is! Cushy comfort and easy to handle in every carry, recommandable from birth till however long you’ll carry your little one. And I’m quite sure you’ll find your favourite piece in the range of wraps that Pink Nova is offering…
Tested in december 2015 with 15 kg and 4 years old wrappee.