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Babywearing in summer
Because a lot of people already asked how they can still carry their baby during hotter days (april has already been really hot here for this year), I’ll leave some advice here how you’ll keep cool wearing your baby during summer.
First of all: Babywearing is okay during all seasons, there are just a few things to consider to stay safe during summer: Babywearing in summer
- Do avoid the heat of noon (11 am to 4 pm) and stay inside. Use the coldest hours during the night or early morning to open your windows and door and close them as soon as the temperature is raising again. Then close everything, including the shutters.
- If possible, stay in the shadows, e.g. the forests or consider a trip to the mountains. The higher, the lower the temperature.
- Protect your baby with clothes! A hat is obligatory, for both of you. Best to choose one with a shield and neck protection for your baby. Do dress your baby with a long-sleeve. Wool/Silk are great for regulating temperature. Bamboo is very comfortable, too. Use babylegs with UV-protection or a wide pant with linen or thin cotton. All body parts that are still free, like feet, hands, nose etc. can be protected with a sunscreen with physical filter (don’t use a chemical one). There are also sunglasses for babies to protect the sensitive eyes and if you like, you can carry an umbrella. Skin-to-skin isn’t good during hot days, put a cloth between you and your baby.
- You will still sweat, so please take baby clothes with you to change when you take your baby out of your wrap or carrier to feed or change diapers.
- Keep hydrated! If you’re breastfeeding, take a bottle of water with you and feed your baby whenever it may want. It’s normal babies want to nurse more often for short moments to quench their thirst. If your baby is exclusively breastfed, there’s no need to give water!
- Choose the right babywrap or baby carrier: take a thin one with you or an airy carrier or Ring Sling. Why not buying a babywrap made of linen, silk or bamboo to use during summer? Or just a very thin one, if you’re baby is small yet and use one-layer-carries like a simple ruck or cross carry. Babywearing in summer
- For sure you can also use your wrap as blanket while your taking a pause on the way. If you’ll rest on the ground, don’t forget to check if your baby didn’t get a tick! (We’re living in region at risk that’s why I always call it to people’s attention).
- Babywearing in water: that’s possible, just use an aqua carrier or sling. They will get dry soon. Don’t forget to use UV-protection clothes for your baby, including a hat. If your baby is still small, the water is too cold, you can put the feet or hands into the water a bit, but not more…
Have fun, babywearing in summer now! ?