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BWCC Back wrap cross carry
CB Chest Belt
CCCB Candy Cane Chest Belt (special finish with twisted ends in front of your chest)
DH Double Hammock (back carry with a pass across your chest)
DRS2S Double Rebozo Shoulder to Shoulder (back carry with a long wrap and chest belt)
FCC Front Cross Carry
HJCB Half Jordan’s Back Carry (back carry for a shorter wrap)
HCC Hip Cross Carry
JBC Jordan’s Back Carry
RRRR Reinforced Rear Rebozo Ruck
RTAS Ruck tied at shoulder
RTIF Ruck tied in Front
RTT Ruck tied tibetan (finish with a chestbelt)
RTUB Ruck tied under bum
SBCC Short Back Cross Carry
SCC Short Cross Carry
SHBC Secure High Back Carry
T2T Tummy to tummy
WCC Wrap Cross Carry
WXR oder WCR wrap cross ruck
Wraps & carriers
FB Full Buckle (carrier with buckles)
HB Half Buckle (carrier with buckled hip-belt)
HW Handwoven baby wraps
LE Limited Edition
MM Middle Marker (of your wrap)
Mockup (or Design) simulation of a babywrap design with a PC program
MW Machine Woven baby wrap
Onbu Onbuhimo (traditional japanese baby carrier without hipbelt but buckled shoulder straps – or straps with rings)
Pod Podaegi (traditional korean baby carrier without hipbelt with shoulder straps)
RS Ring Sling
SSC Soft Structured Carrier (like FB)
SS(S) Stash Shot Saturday
WC or WrapCon Wrap Conversion Mei Tai (baby carrier entirely made of a woven wrap)
WW Woven Wings (famous UK brand)
BNIB Brand new in Box
BST – Buy/Sell/Trade
(C)ISO (casually) in search of
DIBS Do inform before selling
DISO desperately in search of
EUC excellent used condition
FB feedback (e.g. from previous buyers)
FFS free for shipping
FSO(T) for sale (or trade) only
FT for trade
HSA highly sought after
HTF hard to find
IHA I have available
MMAO make me an offer
MMARO make me a reasonable offer
MV market value
NFS not for sale
OOAK one of a kind
OT Off Topic
OTW on the way
PM – Private Message
PPD postage paid domestic
Retail price (RV) Retail Value
ROW – Rest of World
SFS or sub: sub for sale
SFP Stalk Free Pass
STIH soft tape in hand (secure method of measuring a wrap)
TF(SO)T tentatively for sale or trade
TOAK two of a kind
TT Temp(orary) Trade
TV trade value
TY Thank you
VDISO very desperately in search of
WW worldwide