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When does the normal breastfeeding change into long term breastfeeding? After the approximately 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding? But, aren’t there enough babies who won’t accept any kind of solids way longer? So, it is long term after a year? Rather not. Maybe after the by the WHO recommended two years? Maybe not either… If we want to consider the natural age of the human being weaning, it’s between 2,5 and 7 years. Thus, I would rather name it “norm time breastfeeding” before the child reaches age 2 or 3. 😉
It is more than natural breastfeeding a child as long as the child or the mother want. In the optimal case both are willing to stop it together. And, no, it doesn’t thrive your child into any kind of dependency. Nor does it transform the mother into a sitting hen that can’t let it go. Au contraire: Children who have been breastfed longer than usual, are known as very independent little human beings that have no fear of separating from their mothers. But scroll down to read more about the benefits of long term breastfeeding…
The duration of breastfeeding is an individual decision
Most mothers don’t breastfeed their older children in public. This means, people can’t get notice of this practice because they rarely ever see it. Most mothers also don’t do it the way everybody will be able to see it. It may look as if they just cuddle. But in my private environment, I got to know a lot of mothers, friends as well as acquaintances, who breastfed (way) longer than 6 or 12 months.
Unfortunately, most mothers don’t know that they could breastfeed longer. Either they think the milk will get less (or is even lacking nutrients after some time). Because uninformed doctors and other people tell them. Or they believe it’s a matter of society who doesn’t approve long term breastfeeding. Both is absolute bullshit! As long as your child is demanding your milk, there will be enough milk in the best quality there can be. And how long you’re breastfeeding is non of anyones business than yours.
Another problem: many mothers got those stupid meal plans that tell you to replace one breastfeeding meal per month by solids or formula. This is not necessary: Choose baby led weaning! A few mothers long for more freedom and want to quit breastfeeding. But why? Just trust into your child’s dad or grandparents. They’ll rock it while you’re away. Remember: you’ll get your freedom back very soon but you can’t easily switch back to breastfeeding once you quit. It’s only a few months or years in your life to be as close as possible to your baby. Once he or she is grown up, you’ve got plenty of time being alone…
Long term breastfeeding is all natural!
Yes, there are many advantages of breastfeeding older children. And it’s just appropriate to our species giving your child the milk that’s exclusively produced for human needs and not the one that’s defined for cows.
Yet another term: tandem breastfeeding. What is it, please? Very easy to explain but not always easy to do… A mother getting pregnant while breastfeeding, can keep breastfeeding even beyond the birth of her second (or third etc.) child and breastfeed both siblings. There are also advantages like less jealousy from the older sibling, faster coming in of the milk and less galactostasia.
On a side note: we do have a choice
If you stopped breastfeeding before the “natural age of weaning” (or didn’t breastfeed at all), it doesn’t mean that you did unnaturally, not at all. The age span is just the result of a scientific research. Breastfeeding can be seen as a relationship that must be carried by two people. If one part isn’t willing to continue anymore, it’s okay to break up, just do it in a way that the other part won’t suffer too much. But there are enough possibilities to do so. Mothers living in civilization today do have a choice. I didn’t write my article to telly anyone she’s doing wrong but to encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding as long as they want and not to stop because someone else or any “plan” tells them to do so.