Q&A – Your questions, my answers

You asked, I’ve got the answers… 🙂 Here we go:

I would love to hear what is the most special wrap you own and why. And also how did you start wrapping, did someone introduce you to it? / Can you tell us about the day you first wrapped your child?
The most special wrap I own is this one, woven by Eseasons. Why? Because it was one of my first customs, named after my daughter and OOAK. 🙂 And of course, it wraps great. I’ll never sell it! babywearing mama I found out about babywearing when I was pregnant with my first child, 2010. I read about it in one of my pregnancy guidebooks, decided to buy a wrap and took it with me to the hospital to give birth. About 3 days later, after suffering a huge baby blues (breastfeeding didn’t work as it should, I lacked sleep a lot, everything was new…), one of the midwives finally found the time to show me how to wrap.

I wrapped my baby boy, went out of my room, upstairs, on the roof-deck of the hospital. There was sun, there was daylight, there was wind, I was out of this sticky building, I had my baby tight and I instantly knew, while looking across the city, that my life has changed – it was like enlightenment. I wanted to go home like this, carry my baby and just go home…

What is your favourite carry?
I tried a lot of carries but I get back to this every single time with every wrap (that is long enough) I wear: Ruck, tied tibetan. You might see it in almost every review I do 😉

If you didn’t do slings, what would you do?
Working” as a babywearing counsellor is not more than a passionate hobby. I wouldn’t be able to earn enough money to cover the costs for my range of testing products as well as for my education. That said, I really do something else, too. First of all, I’m a mother, I’m at home for my children.

Second, I’m a journalist with a further education in public relations. I work as a freelancer which means that I am relatively free and independent to work when I want. I do interviews and other articles at a regular base for a local monthly paper. It’s not much, it’s more like pocket money for us but I’m happy with it. Anyway, I invest way more energy in my projects of passion which are Nestwärme and my mommy blog, “Mama mal 2“, which means something like “mother of two“, well, the two will be a three soon. 😉

The blog is in german whilst Nestwärme got pretty international during the past months. It would be a dream to earn money with a blog because it’s really “love what you do” but there are too many others (who are better, probably 😉 When kids grow older, I guess I’ll have to apply for a permanent position in media business…

What is your husband’s stand on babywearing?
Good question 😀 I guess he was rather sceptic first, but nevertheless, he also carried or kids, just not in a wrap or sling, in a carrier (easier for him :D). There also exist a few pictures of him wearing our daughter 😉 I never gave up telling him about the advantages of babywearing and, always when I see someone on the street babywearing, I tell him: “look!” 🙂

I plan to involve him more with babywearing when our baby arrives but it might be hard because I love carrying the little one myself 😀 The only thing he doesn’t like about me babywearing is that I’ve got too many wraps 😀