About the Brand: Elli is run by the lovely Simone. Born and raised in Germany, she now lives in Austria together with her husband and two sons. Through babywearing she came to the idea of the „TrageTunnel“ and had her grandma bring her project into life.
Tested product: I got the Black Army Limited Tragetunnel with Softshell and a cozy and warm Micro Polar Fleece on the inside. It’s 100% waterproof, holds off wind and is still breathable. It’s for carrying in front and back and adjustable with drawstrings.
Available in different designs & colours and 2 sizes.
Fit & practicability: It’s easy to use the cover by just putting it on from over your head or step into it with your feet first 😉 Then, put it around your baby and adjust it with the drawstrings on both ends – done! Use the hood if you want and adjust it by those sweet decorative gloves – long enough to use it with your baby on the back, too! 🙂 I’ve got enough space with it and it’s available in two sizes so you can choose what fits best. The length is great, too, because it covers your bum and part of your thighs.
Weather suitability: I’ve been testing it on a very chilly morning. The wind was really nasty but the cover and hood protected my baby and my body. But, in this case, I’d recommend to put a jacket for yourself because my arms were freezing 😉 My advice is to dress both of you appropriately. Bigger babies will have there arms out which requires a jacket for them, e.g. made of wool. If you use the tunnel while it’s raining, you must bring along an umbrella and a jacket for you and, for bigger babies, something to protect their arms or take care of them putting their arms under the cover (this is easier if your baby is tiny or asleep 😉
Conclusion: The babywearing tunnel is easy and fast to use, looks nice, provides a full weather protection but, depending on the weather/your baby, needs some extra protection from rain/snow for you and/or your baby. Due to it’s lightweight, the tunnel can be folded to a tiny package and be taken with you in your bag or stroller and just taken out whenever it’s needed. Of course, it can be used for other purposes, too, like a cover on your stroller or a mat for changing diapers 😉
That said, the tunnel is perfect to take with you on any times for a quick use whenever the weather changes to cold and/or windy. The advantage of it going round your body: you won’t have any problems with gaps like with other covers and it’s not necessary to close your jacket partly around the baby because your already protected 😉
Tested in november 2017 with my 10 months old baby – thanks for the opportunity! Please also have a look at the other Elli products, e.g. the wonderful nursing hoodie! 🙂
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