Kokadi WrapTai – the one for fashionistas

Kokadi Wrap Tai Marie im Wunderland

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Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Brand: Kokadi (DE)
Carrier: WrapTai “Marie im Wunderland
material: 60% cotton, 40% bambus-viscose (jacquard woven wrap fabric)
density: 272 gsm
weight/age recommendation: 50/56-74/80 / maximum width of crotch: 40cm, back panel height: 30cm

About the company: Kokadi was one of my first brands. I had a lot of wraps ’cause they were one of the first brands to produce extremely popular designs like stars and “Wunderland“. Also, their wraps were “beginner” wraps – soft out of the box and nice to wrap with. Meanwhile, a lot of other designs, new weaving techniques and a wider range of carriers have been added – Flip, TaiTai, WrapStar, WrapTai, Onbu and Podaegi.

Kokadi designs are awesome

Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe My first impression: The fabric is as shiny as I’ve thought when I first saw it in the internet – wow! I’m not sure if it’s an everyday carrier because I feel like I have to dress myself up before wearing it. 😉 The fabric is soft and smooth to slippery. It’s design and colours are really beautiful.

How to adjust it: The crotch is steplessly adjustable to fit the baby from birth on. There’s a velcro throughout the hip belt to fix the adjustment. The back panel isn’t adjustable but there’s always the possibility to wear apron-style with tiny babies.

Kokadi WrapTai – how does it wear?

The Kokadi WrapTai is easy to use and really comfortable. The shoulder straps are wide, which helps distributing the weith evenly on your shoulders. You could even wear them folded and still get a nice result. Before tying you can choose if you want to spread the shoulder straps upon baby’s bum or just gather them under the legs.

The only thing to keep in mind is that the material (of this one) is rather slippery. Please do make a double knot in the hip-belt as well with the shoulder straps. I tried it in front (perfect fit) and on the back, where the panel was a bit too long yet for my girl. She complained. But she’d possibly fit in good if I wore it apron-style.

Dress up with Kokadi

Conclusion: Nice and beautiful Mei Tai from birth on for mothers who love to wear in style. Or mothers who like to dress up all in white ’cause that would be the right base for this shiny, pastel couloured carrier.

It’s a pity you cannot keep it for too long, you need to chance it for a bigger sizes as soon as your baby will grow out of it. The Wraptai is available in three sizes, different designs and also with a buckled hip-belt (this version is called Kokadi “Wrap Star”).

Kokadi Wrap Tai tested in may 2017 with my 4 months old baby. 

Read also my other reviews…

Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe

Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe Kokadi WrapTai Marie im Wunderland Tragehilfe


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