About the company: Fidella has been founded 2013 by the makers of the Nonomo baby hammock. As parents they carried their children and it was a wish to design an own wrap collection. Meanwhile, it’s not only wraps but also slings, bags, different carriers, cloth diapers and more…
Fidella – huge range of beautiful designs
Fidella is well known for its high activity in social media. Especially the Giveaways that are launched regularly, are attractive for the fans. Besides, there’s a huge range of designs and colours to choose from. New releases happen regularly. There are key designs but often also new ones.
My first impression: I already own a FlyTai (wrapcon) in the same design (other colour, though) from Fidella but of course you cannot exactly compare them… the wrap has to be broken in yet, it’s not as soft as my carrier but the sparkles are awesome and really visible! I love it.
I also love the design, of course, that’s why I wanted exactly this one, again. The pink is subtle, beautiful and I guess it’s a perfect match in the snow. 😉
How does the Fidella wear?
Wonderful… Perfect amount of stretch to tighten smoothly and feel supportive enough. You might feel the glitter if you wear the wrap directly on your skin and you may not like that because of the scratch but I didn’t feel it as too disturbing…
Conclusion: A special wrap that really „dresses“ you. For sure nothing for everyday outdoor use, especially not if you tie it on a muddy lawn or dirty asphalt. You really need to love an exquisite performance because wearing this wrap, you’ll sparkle as bright as the sun and will attract all eyes on you. 😉
Fidella Iced Butterfly – like a dress
Besides, it’s a lovely midweight allrounder from birth on and will also support your toddler, perhaps rather in a multilayer carry than a ruck. It would be a pity not to try all the pretty (dress like) finishes to give the wrap the spotlight it needs. People might ask you who „made your dress„? 😉 I cannot wait my girl to grow bigger to use it exactly this way (and hope I’ll get invited to some party moment to show it off! :D)
Tested in march 2017 with my babygirl (5kg). Thanks to the sponsor for the lovely opportunity!